Top 10 Experiences In Jordan — Travel and Tourism

Top 10 Experiences In Jordan — Travel and Tourism

There are so many amazing sights to see in Jordan, here are the top ten experiences that will leave you wanting to return to this fascinating country again and again. Feeling the breezes at Wadi Mujib On your journey south along the famous King’s Highway through the Jordanian hills, the landscape is suddenly cleft by a gigantic canyon, almost half a mile deep and two-and-a-half miles across. This is Wadi Mujib, dubbed “Jordan’s Grand Canyon” – and it will take your breath away. Literally.

Drifting through the Red Sea Jordan’s beach resort of Aqaba hosts some of the clearest waters and best-preserved coral formations anywhere on the Red Sea. Whether you choose to snorkel or dive, make sure you give yourself the experience of drifting above the magical undersea world of brightly coloured coral (and very curious fish). Taking tea at Pella Overlooking the Jordan Valley, the under-visited site of Pella offers historical and archaeological interest – and a beautifully designed rural guesthouse, where you can relax on the shaded terrace and hear tales of ancient Jordan. The view from Umm Qais Up in Jordan’s north-western corner, the Roman city of Gadara – beside Umm Qais village – gazes out over a stupendous, unforgettable view that encompasses the Sea of Galilee and the immense Golan Heights rearing up across the Yarmouk valley. Floating on the Dead Sea Down at the lowest point on Earth, some 1,312ft below sea level, the Dead Sea is hot, flat, still and silent. It is also incredibly salty and buoyant: you couldn’t sink if you tried. Walk out from the beach and you’ll find your feet forced up from beneath you. Float your afternoon away, bobbing on the surface with views of the mountains all around.