Sony PS Vita May Not Ship — Until January 2012

Sony PS Vita May Not Ship — Until January 2012

Sony’s PSP successor, which has long been dubbed the NGP for next-generation portable was finally unveiled at E3 2011 as the PS Vita. It promises to bring PS3 console quality games to handheld and was slated for this fall just in time for the holiday season. However, recent reports from online pre-orders through Amazon suggest that the device may not ship until January of next year.

The PS Vita touts a 5-inch OLED touchpad screen along with a second touchpad on the back side. It will also have dual analogue sticks, six-axis motion sensor, and both a front and back camera. It will support Wi-Fi and 3G with initial carrier being AT&T. New social features called “Party” and “Near” will also be part of the package. The Wi-Fi-only model is priced at $249 while the 3G/Wi-Fi model is $299.